
There are a lot of things to tell after this first 15 days in Toronto, but let's start with two very important things. First, it is harder than what I thought to post every day on this blog. Sorry. Second, the strike of public worker isn't finished yet.

Hopefully, that's not all. To summarize, after one week in the Global Village Backpackers (460 King St West Toronto), I have found a room to rent just North West to the UT (University of Toronto I guess). My new address is Room 5, 150 Madison Avenue, M5R2S5 Toronto ON Canada.

Since then, I haven't been able to find a job, I realized that I won't be helped by Canadian government because of my temporary visa and I haven't move a finger to obtain a health insurance. This is the dark part of my stay. In an other hand, I am starting to improve my English, I have discovered the library, met my roommates, transferred a part of my money in Canada with a good change rate, I have a new cell phone (647 994 6656), and the in the street just in front of my bedroom have stopped which allows me to have real nights.

That's it for the formal part. Let's continue in the next post.